Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Honduras: He answers me

It is never an easy task to say goodbye to children you have grown to love, but I could not have imagined it would burden my spirit so much. Monday, March 9th I left Memphis on my way to Tegucigalpa, Honduras. this was to be my first mission trip. I do not believe there is a way I could accurately describe my feelings that morning, as I boarded the plane, nevertheless, I will admit I was apprehensive. The time leading up to this trip was full of doubt and discontent with my current situation in life, and I continually caught myself asking God to give me a reason to stay. It was not because I did not want to serve him; it was because I was afraid that I was not the person for the job at hand. I was not like the others. I cannot quote the bible verbatim, I cannot answer many questions in regards to theology, I cannot express my feelings in a way that most people understand or see as normal. I do not fit into this cookie cutter form of a mission worker. However, God has a purpose for me. 

 The organization I worked with is called Point of Impact  POI .I strongly encourage each one of you to read the mission this ministry has and to read the stories of the children within the program. David and Ruth Hamilton began the program nearly 15 years ago and now manage 4 accredited after school tutoring centers where the children are fed, given free medical attention, and provided with more education. they also have a girls and boys orphanage. There are close to 500 children within the POI program and just under 200 are currently sponsored. this past week, my team focused on gathering information for the sponsors. we documented names, birthdays, parent's names, and clothing sizes. we took their pictures and we helped make bracelets for their sponsors. There is one part of this process that broke my heart again and again and that was when we were able to truly grasp who these children are. the children were each asked a variety of questions such as "what do you want to be when you grow up", "what makes you laugh", "what is your favorite food" and "what would be the best gift in the world". the final question hit us the hardest. while lots of kids answered with "bikes"or "Ronaldo's jersey", some of them had very heart-touching answers. children, between kindergarten and 6th grade, were asking for "bed(s)", "to see their father/mother again", "to pass the 3rd grade", "a house", "food for their mother(s)", and more. each of these touched our hearts and made us pray for more sponsors and for God's hand to be over these children. one answer stuck out the most, a young boy wrote "to have more children in the POI program so they can know Jesus". This shows us that the program is reaching the children.

 Other than our work with the after school programs, we loved on the children in the Boys and Girls homes. Each child in these homes has been through tremendous turmoil that no child should have to endure, but yet the smile and laugh and hold your hand. These children have my heart and now I know why the Lord sent me to Tegucigalpa.

He sent me to love. to love unconditionally and without fear because that is what these children need. Many people go into mission trips believing that they can "fix" a child, but here is the thing, they are not broken. these children may be hurting, hungry, mentally disabled, or more, but they are not broken. they are beautiful! In John chapter nine, Jesus heals a man born blind. the disciples ask him "Rabbi, who has sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind." Jesus answered, "it was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him." For the glory of God. these children are not broken, they are beautiful for the glory of God. 

I am not afraid anymore.

"I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears" -Psalm 34:4

 I greatly encourage each of you to pray and ask the Lord if sponsoring a child is for you. If you have any questions, please contact me or a member of the POI team.

Lots of Love,


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